Guangzhou, China – On July 24, Shanghai MicroPort Lifesciences Co., Ltd. ("MicroPort® Lifesciences") hosted GnRH Pump Treatment Symposium in Guangzhou, Guangdong Province. Several local experts of endocrinology and metabolism, reproductive medicine, and sex medicine to exchange ideas on the latest advancement of clinical studies of Gonadotropin-releasing Hormone ("GnRH") Pulsatile pump in China.
The symposium was chaired by Professor Fangping Li, Head of Guangdong Sexual Gland Society and a physician of Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University. First of all, Professor Li gave professional instructions on the use of GnRH pump. Afterwards, Professor Fan Zhang of Shenzhen Endocrine Society and Peking University Shenzhen Hospital introduced the background of expert consensus on the treatment of Idiopathic hypogonadotropin hypogonadism ("IHH") and Gonadotropin-releasing Hormone ("GnRH") Pulsatile pump treatment, and he explained the benefits of MicroPort® Lifesciences' La Fenice® Hypophyseal Hormone Infusion Pump ("La Fenice®") for patients. She said: "For patients with Kallman syndrome, GnRH pump treatment has better efficacy compared to HCG/HMG treatment." Meanwhile, Professor Zhang pointed out, GnRH pump is also effective in the treatment of polycystic ovarian syndrome ("PCOS") and pituitary stalk interruption syndrome, but it still needs more clinical data to support. Besides, the pump can produce sperm for patients with azoospermia/oligozoospermia and she suggested more andrology and reproduction doctors to use the product in clinical application. In the end, Professor Ying Cao of Nanfang Hospital of Southern Medical University delivered a keynote speech to share her clinical experience in using GnRH Pulsatile pump to treat PCOS. She said: "GnRH pump treatment is effective for certain PCOS cases but its treatment effect need to be proven by multi-center, large-sample observations." After her lecture, experts had hot discussions regarding the treatment of difficult IHH cases and the clinical application of GnRH pulsatile pump.
Due to the abnormal GnRH hormone synthesis, function, or secretion, which leads to different degrees of deficiency of pituitary gonadotropin (LH, FSH) that results in hypogonadism, IHH is one of the important reasons for the delayed puberty and infertility. La Fenice® Hypophyseal Hormone Infusion Pump, which was jointly developed by MicroPort® Lifesciences and CEA President Guang Ning of Shanghai Ruijin Hospital. Equipped with pulsatile infusion via micro pump technology, La Fenice® Hypophyseal Hormone Infusion Pump works as an artificial hypothalamus – it stimulates hypophysis to excrete follicle-stimulating hormone ("FSH") or luteinizing hormone ("LH") by simulating pulsatile excretion of GnRH in order to make patients recover from abnormally physiological regulated function. It is the first domestically developed GnRH pulsatile pump. This pump allows patients to personalize the infusion, with micro-dose and precise amount, and the pulse infusion is fast and powerful. In addition, La Fenice® is of high safety, and easy to operate and carry. By the end of 2016, a total of 1,200 male patients and 200 female patients have used La Fenice® Hypophyseal Hormone Infusion Pump and have achieved great treatment effect, bringing the hope of new life to IHH patients.