Advanced Bluetooth® Remote Monitoring for Continuous Patient Care

Bluetooth® monitoring systems for cardiac devices, enabling advanced remote tracking with timely alerts and detailed reports - now with an innovative patient app.

Healthcare Professionals Cardiac Rhythm Management Cardiac Rhythm Management Products Patient management SmartView Connect

Help engage patients in their therapy

The SmartView Connect™ bedside monitor with mobile capabilities performs nightly cardiac device checks with little to no user interaction.

The SmartView Connect™ App Mobile runs on patients’ smartphones, enabling connectivity with their cardiac device, helping patients engage in their therapy, and offering greater flexibility for out-of-home monitoring.

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Streamlined Remote Monitoring WITH A MOBILE APP

SmartView Connect™ App Mobile streamlines remote patient management, offering significant advantages for your practice:

  • Easy App Rollout: Eliminate the challenges of managing hardware inventory with convenient app distribution via the Google Play Store.
  • Enhanced Patient Engagement: Leverage smartphone connectivity to keep patients consistently connected, improving adherence to follow-up schedules.
  • Accessible Patient Support: Empower patients with readily available online documentation and video tutorials, reducing support requests to your staff.
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Seamless Remote Monitoring with Smart Connectivity

SmartView Connect™ solutions provide daily, secure remote monitoring to implantable devices via Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE). The SmartView Connect™ device, a dedicated handheld unit, transmits data securely using 4G wireless technology. The SmartView Connect™ App offers a mobile alternative, using patients’ smartphones and WiFi or cellular connection for seamless connectivity anywhere.

SmartView Connect™ solutions deliver actionable data to the medical team, enabling proactive patient management:

  • Daily Automated Alerts: Device alerts detected by the implantable device are transmitted daily.
  • Scheduled Follow-Up Transmissions: Pre-set by clinicians for streamlined routine patient monitoring.
  • Patient-Initiated Transmissions: When enabled, patients can transmit data as needed, promoting active engagement.

SmartView Connect™ ensures continuous patient connectivity, empowering clinicians with timely interventions and optimized care.

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Efficient and Insightful Alerts Management

SmartView Connect™ delivers clear, prioritized reports, providing essential clinical insights at a glance. Transmission data includes:

  • Prioritized Device Alerts: Key alerts are highlighted for immediate attention.
  • Comprehensive Device Data: Lead status, arrhythmia events, and programmed parameters are clearly presented.
  • Automatically Recorded Live EGM Strip: 7-second EGM captured when performing transmission.
  • High-Definition EGMs: Optional, separate EGM report for arrhythmias episodes (up to 22 minutes).

With intuitive interfaces and clear reporting, SmartView Connect™ ensures that clinicians receive critical patient data, first.

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This product may not be for sale in your country or your area. For further information on product availability, please contact your local representative.

Caution: Federal law (USA) restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a physician. For indications, contraindications, precautions and warnings for each device, please refer to the product manual.

Related pages: SmartView™ Remote Monitoring; Pacemakers; CRT devices; ICD devices